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really cool shet

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really cool shet Empty really cool shet

Post by kreativekvs209 Wed Apr 09, 2008 10:32 pm

since meets, and meeting space is really kinda risky now and days, some of you guys know that i'm having a booth at the cambodian temple this new years, selling t shirts and what not..

well here's the point of the post.

i'm trying to figure out a way to hold some massive meets at the temple.. i mean if we reserve or rent a spot at a park or what not then we pay. and if we try a spot at a local shoping space then we risk a chance of police harrassment. the thought came to mind today when i was putting together my booth at the temple...
why not have meets at the temple... it's huge parking lot, a concert stage ( if needs be we have a band ) for if we need announcements. and it'll be all cool cuzz if we rent then the proceeds goes to the temple and the temple that i have my booth at surely dont mind any extra cash.. and you know what i was talking to my brother, and if all goes good with the official at the temple then maybe just maybe we maybe able to throw carshow and what not there. as long as we're sending all the proceeds to the temple, which i have no problem doing. as long as that the models are not slutty we'll be all good.

if this idea would even have a prayer to leave the ground.. we as a group will need to raise some money.. so0o some fundraising will take place and i promote this movement to takeplace, for we need to do more. cuzz it's just not a hobby for us, it's just not a past time, it's a way of life, and it's okay to do the things we do. NO we are not all street racers, matter of fact we are a majority not street racers. so stop sterio typing us. we do proformance, and we do most of our racing on legal tracks, legal santions events, and most just like proformance cars for the feel, looks, and attention. well here's our chance to start something.

WE CAN DO IT .......* all night long *
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really cool shet Empty Re: really cool shet

Post by L Rock Thu Apr 10, 2008 12:23 pm

havn't been to that place in ages....

L Rock

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really cool shet Empty Re: really cool shet

Post by DanhTao Thu Apr 10, 2008 10:27 pm

amen brotha!
i'm all in favor of this.
it'll make life easier from the logistical point of view of organizing meets and stuff,
and it'll save me a few grey hairs about worrying about everything that could go wrong.

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really cool shet Empty Re: really cool shet

Post by iamtrouble2o9 Thu Apr 10, 2008 11:57 pm

Just remember...monks can't be touched by girls....that means you too Danh...lol jess kidding...haha...just don't run over the bunnies that live there...they are so0o kyoote!!
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really cool shet Empty Re: really cool shet

Post by DanhTao Sat Apr 12, 2008 6:48 am

hey! Razz
when i first read that, i thought you were implying that i couldn't chase after the nuns... but i had to read it again to see the REAL insult.

the bad thing about it is that i can't think of a come back right now.
i'm slightly hung over from the bar at SFO, haha.

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really cool shet Empty Re: really cool shet

Post by Road&Ster Tue Apr 15, 2008 9:23 pm

i totally forgot about this sambo.... i was gonna go saturday after work and it just skipped my mind til today when janice mentioned it
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really cool shet Empty Re: really cool shet

Post by kreativekvs209 Tue Apr 15, 2008 9:32 pm

it's cool that you guys didn't show. hay the singers from cambodia bought some of my shirts. and girls tanks it's was hekka tyte.. and i got a picture with one of the oldest singer cuzz they came ate at my mom's both after the show... deffinitly a hekka tyte experience.. thanks duc for helping out..

and the meets at the temple.. it's starting to be more of a during the day kinda thing cuzz monks sleeps at night. but the plus side is that .. cars are better to look at during the day.. and plus we have sanctuary..
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really cool shet Empty Re: really cool shet

Post by Road&Ster Tue Apr 15, 2008 9:46 pm

i'm down for a sunday day meet... and post up those pics Very Happy
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