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Post by kreativekvs209 Sat May 22, 2010 12:55 am

who are we as a society? why are we here? yes we have a mutual passion, but does our passion die here on the web pages of the forums. is what we do just " hay look everyone here's a pic of my shocks that i installed for no reason at all". if you made your car the car to be seen at local meets and car shows, then go out and show it off. even if it's only pretty in your eyes. if you have a no show all go, then please let us know what your doing and where your tracking it at. when was the last time we all actually did a successful snooze cruise? well ladies and wanabies the question of the day is. what the hell are you doing with your car? are you an enthusiast or do you really drive and/or park hard ???
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question of the day. Empty Re: question of the day.

Post by EDSEVEN Sat May 22, 2010 5:02 am

i dont drive my car at all

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question of the day. Empty Re: question of the day.

Post by kreativekvs209 Sun May 23, 2010 9:33 am

cuzz ur a fag. yo ry just bought a road bike lol.
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question of the day. Empty Re: question of the day.

Post by EDSEVEN Sun May 23, 2010 10:26 am

hey that some shit talking there iam gonna leave the forums now! j/k why ry buy a road bike for is gonna ride it or is that an excuse for him to get a roof rack? ohh i got clipless pedal now.

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Post by kreativekvs209 Sun May 23, 2010 10:35 am

lol.. sweet you know they got reg pedals to clip onto that.
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Post by EDSEVEN Sun May 23, 2010 10:38 am

huh what? i got the cleats and shoe for it too.

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question of the day. Empty Re: question of the day.

Post by L Rock Sun May 23, 2010 11:44 am

lol...notice how no one really answered the question???

that's coz 95% of the people on here don't do shit with their cars except hard park it.

but back on topic.

how do u like those pedal clips? i had them on mines for like 10 mins before they got annoying..

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question of the day. Empty Re: question of the day.

Post by EDSEVEN Sun May 23, 2010 12:12 pm

it give my legs a better work out, power on the down stroke and on the up stroke nothing is wasted, i can go faster as well and they wernt hard to get on and off. also this is like all the other thread it become off topic real quick and nobody cares.

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Post by L Rock Sun May 23, 2010 2:57 pm

i agree, they do have their benefits, i guess for me it was just always putting my feet in the clips everytime i start riding, which sucks coz i do a lot of stops...

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question of the day. Empty Re: question of the day.

Post by EDSEVEN Sun May 23, 2010 4:50 pm

go with toe clips. they have adapter for clipless pedal to add toe clip if ur just commuting.

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question of the day. Empty Re: question of the day.

Post by JOZyS13 Sun May 23, 2010 6:54 pm

to get this thread on topic..

im not a hard parker. i like to use my car with a purpose. putting money into a car just to show everyone what it has is pointless if it doesnt perform. i would take my car out but it isnt running ATM. but you can count on me driving it and beating it up everyday
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question of the day. Empty Re: question of the day.

Post by kreativekvs209 Mon May 24, 2010 12:03 am

lol i give props to the people that really drives their car and try to work on park hard status. man i havnt been on a run in the longest time, only thing i really drive nowadays is my wife's integra. civic's motor is in the works and the rolla is waiting on funds. my DD is my pathfinder. man it sucks being poor. but everything in due time. we do need to schedule some snoozers as soon as we get acouple of able cars too. i gotta get over my fear of mnt hammy. since i ate it there, i've been kinda hesitant maybe i just gotta get back on the horse. but then again i ate it on a bike. not a car... the weather is getting great. naw wa i dig?
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question of the day. Empty Re: question of the day.

Post by EDSEVEN Mon May 24, 2010 4:06 am

it sucks that the economy is bad. if i still had my job my hatch would be at 10s dd no doubt about that. i just feel down not working and no motivation at all, but i still get money from unemployment but that only last so long so i cant really spend it like i want to and its not a sure thing from week to week, they always try to find a way to screw me over, hopefully things get better cause i forgot what boost feels like and i have an itch to get back in the game but things just have to get better.

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question of the day. Empty Re: question of the day.

Post by kreativekvs209 Mon May 24, 2010 10:15 am

Let's go job hunting nigger
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question of the day. Empty Re: question of the day.

Post by JOZyS13 Mon May 24, 2010 1:16 pm

job hunting FTW. having no job FTL.

army pay isnt that great but gets me somewhere
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question of the day. Empty Re: question of the day.

Post by L Rock Mon May 24, 2010 2:22 pm

i agree. the economy is pretty bad right now and not having a job does suck.
It's really all motivation and what you really want to achieve and how much work you are willing to put down and the people u are around.. Most people just want a nice DD with a lil flash and that's fine..but that just puts you into the same category as everyone else..

For me, i havn't done any real legit races in my car in over a year due to having a blown engine, but even with my DD, i took that sucker out to MT Hammy regularly, backroad snoose cruises on off days, and even TOyotafest last year!!! But then, i've already accomplished what I set out to do in the beginning...
My car is pretty known, couple of magazines, and it did more than just drive ten feet from a trailer!...I drove it as much as i could.

but yeah, before i ramble on....I havn't really been motivated to really do more coz i've already achieved a lot ( at least from my point of view) but jsut this recent blow up of TE72s...i'm feeeling that energy again to want to be on top again..

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Post by EDSEVEN Tue May 25, 2010 3:25 pm

YES!!!! iam going back to work!

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